Stages of Life on a Street Photography Morning

While strolling through the streets of Marseille’s magnificent Old Town some weeks ago I also took some photographs of local street life. While doing my selections / post processing a couple of images caught my eye. I realized that  unintentionally I have captured humans in activities that for me are somehow representative for their respective  stages of their lives. So I put them together in this post and wrote down a few brief thoughts coming to my mind when looking at those images.

Rough Rider
Rough Rider | Marseille | 2016

I want to start with the elder ones. The generation that has built the foundations of what we live in today through a life full of work and caring for their families. The last stage can be a tough one. Poverty, deteriorating health, the loss of a partner, increasing loneliness. Still there are many that remain active, take their lives into their hands, find time to enjoy what they didn’t have time for during their working years. Still passing on their experiences and lessons of life.  

Pensive | Marseille | 2016

The grown ones. The backbone of our society. Caring for both the old and the young. Having seen their share of life. Often captured within the treadmills of daily routine and the consequences of decisions they took many years ago. Sometimes thinking too much about what could have been rather than realizing what still can be.

Jeune et Heureux
Jeune et Heureux | Marseille | 2016

And finally the young ones. Life is good, mostly. Uncomplicated. Full of perspectives, hopes, dreams. First love, the joy of having someone very special in your life. Using every opportunity to sneak away from guardians and burdens of school life. Happiness, laughing  together, enjoying coziness. Our all future.

Forgive if these thoughts are too black and white 😉

All images taken within a single morning walk through beautiful Marseille with the  PEN-F and the mZuiko 14-150mm f/4.0-5.6 travel zoom.

Have a great week!


22 thoughts on “Stages of Life on a Street Photography Morning

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  1. Marcus, love this post. I think discovering you ‘had something’ that you didn’t realise until after when you were reviewing the shots is an interesting aspect of photography. I really love the bottom and especially the top shot. You might be interested in this blog I spent some time exploring their site yesterday. There are a lot of stunning photos and the articles look really interesting. Check out the Disappearing Cultures tab.
    Your photos remind us that Black and White photos still rock! Louise

    1. Louise, thanks so much for your comment, it means a lot to me 👏😊! I know Edge of Humanity, they share awesome and so inspirational contents on their site! Reminds me that I should put a page with links to my favorite sites! Would have been one of them! Marcus

  2. Herrlich! Das ist einfach Dein Ding. Das wahre Leben einfangen… In einer besonderen Art und Weise… Sehr genial, die Umsetzung in s/w… Ich mag das sehr und freu mich jedesmal wenn Du was derartiges veröffentlichst! Weiter so!

    1. Danke für das Lob! Freut mich sehr! Straßenfotografie ist halt ein Genre was ich auf meinen vielen (Dienst)Reisen ohne großen Aufwand nebenher betreiben kann. Vor dem Hotel, am Airport…Motive gibt es überall. Eine kleine Kamera reicht. Meine Porträt-Fotografie kommt viel zu kurz. Aber ich habe mir vorgenommen, im bevorstehenden Urlaub über die Familie herzufallen…Inspiration gibt’s bei Dir ja genug 😉

  3. Zu den Bilder habe ich nicht viel zu sagen, die gefallen mir sehr gut. Der Biker ist mein Favorit.

    Mich interessiert das hübsche Korn. Kommt das von der Kamera, der Bearbeitung oder hast Du es nachträglich eingefügt?

    1. In diesem Fall habe ich die Bilder in Lightroom aus einem RAW file in SW konvertiert und mit etwas Körnung versehen, um den Look eines Analog SW Films zu simulieren. Ich verwende dazu Presets, die ich mir irgendwann mal abgespeichert habe, damit die Bilder einen verleichbare Look bekommen. Nach dem Anwenden des Presets gibt es aber durchaus noch ein bildspezifisches Finetuning. Sozusagen Arbeit in der digitalen Dunkelkammer 😉

  4. The middle years “Sometimes thinking too much about what could have been” but not the wonderful older man on his motor! The world is still his oyster. And so it is for us all no matter what our age. I loved the words as much as the images. Great post!

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