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Off Topic – Konfi Shooting

Konfirmation Fotoshooting
1/640 sec @ f/4,5 and ISO 200, 120mm focal length

With today’s post I’m once more venturing far away from my usual posts around Street- and Travel Photography. Friends have asked me to shoot the portraits of their son for his Konfirmation (confirmation).  So we met this past Sunday for a photo session in exchange for a delicious barbecue. Although I don’t have much experience in doing portraits I’m quite happy how this series came out and we had a good time. Definitely aided by using the perfect prop for a 14 year old teenager, his Piaggio Ape. To see more photos continue after the jump…

As camera I used my Olympus OM-D E-M1 and my two pro zooms, the 12-40mm F/2.8 and the 40-150mm F/2.8. Additional equipment used was a speed light on a hand pole shooting through a white umbrella (graciously held by my significant other, wo was also in charge straightening the suit of the boy when needed) and a large reflector. The weather was quite overcast with occasional rays of sun, but actually I preferred that as an overcast sky acts as a giant soft box and you don’t have to fight harsh shadows.

The boy was a natural, it was much easier to direct him than I had feared (again, I have not much experience in this), and I constantly gave feedback and showed him the results of the images on my camera’s display. Seeing pictures he liked further helped to continue in a relaxed atmosphere.

1/800 sec @ f/4,5 and ISO 200, 57mm focal length

The highlight was when we took his Piaggio Ape out to a tiny back road behind their village. Just to make it clear, he owns the Italian cult tricycle but is not yet allowed to drive it, so his father drove it out and I had the chance to drive it back, which was actually really fun. The boy thoroughly enjoyed the shooting with the Ape and we got plenty good shot, as you can see from the selection here.

1/160 sec @ f/8 and ISO 200, 32mm focal length
1/320 sec @ f/8 and ISO 200, 32mm focal length
1/60 sec @ f/8 and ISO 200, 40mm focal length
1/200 sec @ f/8 and ISO 200, 14mm focal length

Back at the house I loaded the RAW’s into my MacBook Pro and did quickly the RAW conversion using my standard presets in Lightroom CC, which took me no more than 30 minutes. We selected the photos he wanted to keep (in all 37) and so at the end of the afternoon he had his Konfi photos already on his drive and his smart phone ready to show the off. And he graciously gave me permission to publish the results on the Streets of Nuremberg.

Apart from having a great time with friends I really enjoyed the shooting (doing it outside the family was actually a first for me) and the results, and I’m ready to do it again.

Have you checked out my free Learning Center? There are also some tips around portrait photography!

Have a great Wednesday!


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