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Bubbly Happiness

“Bubbly Happiness” – Olympus PEN-F  1/400 sec @ f4,5 and ISO 200

What is more refreshing than seeing kids having fun? All the more when they enjoy themselves with something as traditional as soap bubbles (aka rainbow bubbles or Seifenblasen in German)?Soap bubbles have been used for entertainment purposes for at least 400 years.  There are Flemish paintings from the 17th century that show kids blowing soap bubbles with clay pipes. According Wikipedia more than 200 million bottles of bubble solution are still being sold annually. I think this is an amazing factoid when I normally see children (and not only my own) entertain themselves with their smartphones.

The thing is, they could even play with soap bubbles on their smartphones. Don’t believe me? Check the app store, there are various apps about the bubbles. How crazy is that? I much prefer the analogue ones, no doubt.

So seeing these kids having a blast with something my kids loved when their were younger and that I had fun with as child really made me feel good. Although I don’t recall having ever had bubbles of this King Kong size back in the days. So seemingly there are also innovations in the field of things like soap bubbles.

I stood there watching this guy blowing his magnum bubbles for a good 20 minutes. Plenty of children came, had fun, their parents in the background smiling, then giving some coins to the guy. If this really is a sustainable business model I’m not too convinced. But he looked happy when he got some donations, and he made the children lough. Life can be good, also in the simple things.

For readers not familiar with the Streets of Nuremberg, the towering building on the left is the Nassauer Haus. It is a medieval living tower (Wohnturm) with the first two levels being built in the 12th century. It has an interesting history, so perhaps this is something I will feature in a post in my  new “Nuremberg Explored” series. And in the background you can see the Imperial Castle (Kaiserburg).

Enjoy your weekend


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